You want to look 100% for your session but this can often be hard if you don’t know what to wear, or feel stuck of what your favourite outfit is that will look the best in your photos!
Well, let’s address this issue today by answering the question, what should I wear?
When it comes to your session you not only want to look fabulous but you also want to FEEL your best! By wearing clothes that you love, feel confident in, and know that represent the best version of you, are the top recommendations I give to all of my clients!
Before we even begin shooting you can start feeling at ease by just what you wear! Easy right?!
To guide you along this process here is a 5 step guide in figuring out what to wear for your session?:
- Pick your location of where you would like to shoot! Believe or not the location you decide depends on what you wear, trust me! In choosing a location you both love, will result in an excitement that will pump you put to pick out the most magical outfit ever in your closet!
- Figure what colours would look best during that time of year. Whether it be winter, spring, summer, or fall, everyone has a particular colour that they love during a specific time of year. By picking out the right colour that suits both you and the season, it will result in the perfect combination! During spring I recommend not wearing any kinds of browns due to the dead forest, similarly in summer and fall I don’t recommend greens, oranges, or vibrant reds because you can often blend in to wherever you are shooting!
- Once you have figured out your colours, make sure the colours you are all wearing coordinate with each other! This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to match in what you are wearing, but rather coordinate what colours will work best for your session. By asking yourselves questions like, what colours look best on everyone, how could you see this working in your session?, and what colours best represent us together? Each of these questions will make for the best possible session!
- As you coordinate your colours choosing logo less clothing is your best option. The photos your photographer will create will display who you are together, or who you are a person, that last thing you want to display is a logo of clothing that doesn’t mean anything to you (if it does, please ignore this step).
- The final step is have a back up outfit! Sometimes things can go wrong during your session because that’s life, so ensure you both bring an outfit just incase something happens. This outfit can be your everyday go-to outfit, or something you would wear as a backup if your first outfit wasn’t what you were exactly wanting.
For all of my sessions I provide a style guide which outlines how you can prepare what to wear for your session! From specific style tips, colours, locations, and more, each of these things will allow you to get the most out of your session while looking your best!
So what do you say? Ready to rock your session in the best possible way?!
Grab my style guide here for a little help!