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    Cibo Waterfront Downtown Winnipeg Wedding

    Marissa Naylor Photography

      /  Wedding   /  Downtown winnipeg wedding
    Cibo Waterfront Downtown Winnipeg Wedding

    It was a laid-back day, and all Claire and Dylan wanted to do was enjoy the day with the people they love. It’s as simple as that. 

    The day began in Charleswood, a cozy neighbour in Winnipeg, where Claire got ready with her gals. Treats, coffee, slow music, and the smell of fresh flowers filling the house were the perfect start to this day. As her family and friends got the ceremony set in Dylan’s parent’s backyard across the street, the excitement started to build towards their first look as they saw each other for the first time. Dylan, being excited, nervous, and maybe a tad anxious (who wouldn’t be on your wedding day?), was at a loss for words as he saw Claire for the first time. As they spent some alone time walking down a path near where Dylan grew up, it was like time stopped for the two of them. Taking in this moment just for them, allowing them to feel all the emotions, and taking in what was an exciting day ahead. 

    Following the intimate first look, the formal began at Assiniboine Forest, where we walked through high grass, listened to music, and shared laughs with their party as we created the formal memories of the day. It was like time flew by as we headed back to Dylan’s parents, where guests started to file in, the music was building, and it was almost that time; it was time to make this love forever. Claire and Dylan followed as the wedding party walked in together, holding hands together as they walked into this new chapter. Sharing words that were more than just vows as they expressed how much one another meant to each other. 

    It was then shortly after to move downtown to the Cibo Waterfront restaurant in the heart of Downtown Winnipeg, where the real party began! An Italy-inspired meal filled everyone in the room with deliciousness, laughter, and stories from Claire and Dylan’s loved ones. As they took some quiet time on a local rooftop downtown, it served as the perfect slow down to the night where the sake of the emotions in that the day is ending. 

    A full dance floor then began as Claire and Dylan arrived back with cake waiting for them and some of their favourite jams playing, the best way to end the night! 

    Thank you, you two, for honouring me and capturing such a relaxed yet meaningful way that was true to who you both are! Cheers for the future ahead! 


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