Well, I’m sorry to break the bubble of this idea but that is VERY FAR from the truth. In fact, roughly 20% is spent shooting while the other 80% is behind the scenes work such as preparing for your session, educating my clients on what to expect at the session, getting to know them, marketing, website building, and much more!
With all this said, today I wanted to get a little real with all of you about what it really means when people say behind the scenes.
- Emails: Whether it be the inbox, direct messages, or text messages each day I set aside hours to perform just this work. To ensure my clients are getting responded to in the quickest possible manner with the most information possible!
- Updating: As more and more sessions take place, content needs to updated whether that be website based, social media, portfolios, and blog related! By displaying my best work for you all as well as keeping you all up to date in what I’m up to, this is not just a few hours here and there. Countless hours are set aside each week for each of these tasks to ensure you are seeing the best content possible while representing what I love to document at the same time.
- Admin: This includes organizing folders, systems, labeling tags, and sorting through all files both old and new. Inside each of these also includes business meetings with vendors, client consultation, and similar meetings. A little side note about these meetings, they are the best thing you will ever attend! Great conversation, new friends, and new meeting places, what’s not to love?!
- Research & Brainstorm: The final part of behind the scenes is, staying inspired, and motivated to create new projects is not always easy. This is especially true during the heart of wedding season. By attending workshops all over the country, calibrating with vendors on styled shoots, brainstorming with other photographers, and seeing the changes throughout photography, these are just some of the ways that I stayed inspired each and every year for myself, and more importantly my clients!
So the next time you hear a photographer, creative, or anyone say behind the scenes, you’ll know exactly what we are talking about!
I hope this post was helpful!