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    Qualico Centre Winnipeg Wedding


      /    /  JACQUELINE & JORDON

    Jacqueline & Jordon

    August 5, 2023

    Jacqueline and Jordon, the dynamic duo of chance encounters and laughter-filled nights!


    Their story starts at a bustling nightclub, the thump of music in the air, and a line of people eager for a good time. Fate, being the cheeky matchmaker it is, decided to throw Jacqueline and Jordon together while they patiently waited to get inside. Maybe it was a nudge from the universe or just a happy accident, and then there they were, side by side, in the line of destiny.


    As the bouncer finally gave them the golden ticket into the club, Jacqueline and Jordon ventured into the neon-lit chaos. They went their separate ways, lost in the sea of dancing bodies. But here’s where the magic happened – fate, it seems, had more tricks up its sleeve. A chance meeting in the midst of the club’s vibrant energy brought them back together.


    What started as a casual chat turned into a night that neither of them expected. Hours flew by in a blur of laughter, shared stories, and a kind of connection you can’t quite into words. It was like finding a missing puzzle piece, completing a picture neither knew was incomplete.


    Fast forward to the quieter moments of their love story, and you’ll find Jacqueline and Jordon nestled in their cozy haven. Board games are scattered across the coffee table, the glow of the TV on their faces as they watch TV shows.


    And let’s not forget those lazy Sunday afternoons, where time slowed down just for them. Wrapped in blankets, surrounded by the warmth of their shared love, they found solace in the simplicity of being together.


    Here’s to Jacqueline and Jordon – to chance meetings, shared laughter, and a love story written in the stars. May your days be filled with board games, endless TV show marathons, and the kind of laughter that makes your souls dance. Cheers to the unexpected twists that brought you together and the countless chapters still waiting to be written in the book of your love.




    Venue – Qualico, Assiniboine Park

    Dresses – 7th Avenue

    Groom Suits – Hanford Drewitt

    Groomsmen – Moores Clothing

    Florals – Broadway Florist

    Rings – Sutton Smithworks

    Makeup – Ashley Perry Co

    Hair – Fifth Avenue Lounge & Beauty Bar

    Stationary – Blake Creative Co


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